Short post , w/ few photos .
So yup , went out w/ Weicong .( luckily I managed t wake up by my phone's vibration called by Weicong :O )
Headed t bugis , walk walk talk talk , & he managed t get his New yr top & bottoms , but sadly not for me . Didn't caught my eye on anything seriously , (th very first time!) ><
So , like tht lor , Mayling saved some money today ! :)
Meetup w/ mua son after that ,
totally disappointed ...

So trained back compass & got my dinner , then went t get some food for family @ th pasarmalam there .
While crossing th over head bridge , saw one accident near th taxi stand there . So weicong & I stayed there be kpo, lol.
Back home @ 4 plus 5 .(early manzzzzz~)
Shall upload all overdued photos from oct onwards ,
TRYYYYY uploading ALL before 2009!(asap~)
& imma gonnaaa stayyy uppp lateee @ niiigqqqht agqqaiinnnx forrr muuuiiz artttworkkkzx .
TRYYYYY uploading ALL before 2009!(asap~)
& imma gonnaaa stayyy uppp lateee @ niiigqqqht agqqaiinnnx forrr muuuiiz artttworkkkzx .