Before anything or everything, I would like to wish my beloved daddy a Happy Birthday .
He don't even remembered that it's his birthday when the clock strikes 12 , & I was the first to wish him so.
You may not be able to read this cos' i always disallow you to access into my blog . But however, I wanna thank you for your everything. -For ganging up with me with stupid reasons whenever i don't feel like attending school. -For giving me sufficient money for food & stuffs. -For taking care of me despite using the canes at times :X & Lastly , for being such a wonderful dad .
At least , I'm blessed that i even got a father to be there for me whenever i seek for help,LOL! :X(touch wood). But i do hope this daddy of mine can try to quit on his gambling habits because he seems t be going overboard & started doing foolish stuffs!(don't wish to mention).
He's very abnormal, just like his daughter here . He don't spend his money wisely & even vent his frustration on anyone at anytime whenever his moodswings occurs,LOL.But he can be real understanding and friendly at time, & i seriously love that very moment when he adores me with stuffs like food! LOL :X:X
But sadly , he's not the one that i can share my personal's problems with, but nvm...
Stay healthy , stay happy, & iloveyou dad...
to .........................

Short & simple, pretty suit me yea? Hahahhahha
Actually , No larh ! I'll never cut away my long long hair manzzz! So , this is the actual's .
LOL. Not much different cos' i don't bear t hear the "Snip Snip " of the scissors t my hair,lol.

Anyway I took a off from work today ! Going out with Mum later on to get my Dad's cake!
Haha , toodles ! :P
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