10thApril'09 - Early bday celebration after work .
11thApril'09- Geraldine's & Jiexin's .


12thApril'09-2nd Early bday celebration after work.




@ TCC's ,

@ Cine's .

Okay okay I'm done with the photos taken during my early bday celebration^^
I would like to thank those who took the initiative to text me up when the clock strikes 12 on the 13th April , :) Or even wished me personally in school/ phone calls . Even still , got me a small gifts , :)
<333333333s :
Thanks to Uncle Robert & Auntie Julie for the 'heavy & expensive' dinner treat , & the red pckt.

Thank you Girlf, Keai & Kisiao for the crappy lol simple bday celebration , ^^

Thank you Esther for setting th bday alarm ar, hahah!

Thank you to Lo.WEICONG for the banana
& Thank you to my beloved Mum for the Levi's Watch, :D

Wait a min!* , (my darling's leh)?! HAHAHA
Well , a Big thankyou+ Loves + bao2 to my S. Darling for the heart necklace, the cutest elmo bag(my 7th elmo) & the sweetest Famous Amos's customize cookie!<3><

& My dad's freaking funny !
When the clock strikes 12 on my actual birthday , he texted . I was shock to receive his message cos' i never thought he would also wished me on the actual timing.
But know what , he texted me this , LOL :

Laughs. Funny right. :X:X Okay okay lame .
But then in the afternoon, he send me a mms lurh . (which indicated:Happy 16th bday)

is this lily?LOL. hahahaa. okay nevermind.
Well , it's Alicia's 16th bday today ! Then Yvonne wong's next(when the clock strikes 12 later ~)
Here to wish alicia a happy bday once again !

Oh anyway , Jiexin & I went to the Bugis new shopping mall that day after i had a date with Ass . & we catched the movie "The Snipper" . Tell you , there're HOTstuffs! :X
Huang XiaoMing & Edison Chen ! hohoho. Yes th sex scandal , but who cares anyway?:P

Nice show anyway , go watch it .
& Go explore the "ILUMA" shopping mall cos' it's so damn cool.
The escalator is so cool & the arcade too . It's like , 20x bigger than Compass Point's Arcade?LOL
But the shops's stuffs quite expensive lurh , i guess? O.o
Okay lurh , gtg .
I'm really gonna be damn busy . So sorry about tht .
I've got tons of photos which i have not uploaded yet . :(
Enjoy! (Thats my mum anyway )
-My bro accidentally change t th video mode ,LOL.
Byexzx. <3
P.s: (L)
I would like to thank those who took the initiative to text me up when the clock strikes 12 on the 13th April , :) Or even wished me personally in school/ phone calls . Even still , got me a small gifts , :)
<333333333s :
Thanks to Uncle Robert & Auntie Julie for the 'heavy & expensive' dinner treat , & the red pckt.

Thank you Girlf, Keai & Kisiao for the crappy lol simple bday celebration , ^^
Thank you Esther for setting th bday alarm ar, hahah!
Thank you to Lo.WEICONG for the banana
& Thank you to my beloved Mum for the Levi's Watch, :D
Wait a min!* , (my darling's leh)?! HAHAHA
Well , a Big thankyou+ Loves + bao2 to my S. Darling for the heart necklace, the cutest elmo bag(my 7th elmo) & the sweetest Famous Amos's customize cookie!<3><
& My dad's freaking funny !
When the clock strikes 12 on my actual birthday , he texted . I was shock to receive his message cos' i never thought he would also wished me on the actual timing.
But know what , he texted me this , LOL :
Laughs. Funny right. :X:X Okay okay lame .
But then in the afternoon, he send me a mms lurh . (which indicated:Happy 16th bday)
is this lily?LOL. hahahaa. okay nevermind.
Well , it's Alicia's 16th bday today ! Then Yvonne wong's next(when the clock strikes 12 later ~)
Here to wish alicia a happy bday once again !
Oh anyway , Jiexin & I went to the Bugis new shopping mall that day after i had a date with Ass . & we catched the movie "The Snipper" . Tell you , there're HOTstuffs! :X
Huang XiaoMing & Edison Chen ! hohoho. Yes th sex scandal , but who cares anyway?:P

Nice show anyway , go watch it .
& Go explore the "ILUMA" shopping mall cos' it's so damn cool.
The escalator is so cool & the arcade too . It's like , 20x bigger than Compass Point's Arcade?LOL
But the shops's stuffs quite expensive lurh , i guess? O.o
Okay lurh , gtg .
I'm really gonna be damn busy . So sorry about tht .
I've got tons of photos which i have not uploaded yet . :(
Enjoy! (Thats my mum anyway )
-My bro accidentally change t th video mode ,LOL.
Byexzx. <3
P.s: (L)
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